I ended up giving in to just using gloves when hand washing a large amount of dishes. Hope you can find something that works for you!

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hah ya. i think they source from the aforementioned largest soapberry company in taiwan tho.

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I know the founders and they definitely made their own formulation for the soapberry soap they launched with. Not sure about all of the other products now that they have a bunch. The whole QVC thing throws it off but they are legit!

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I also have eczema. I tried the soapberry soap (got it from a street vendor in Tainan) and though I liked it (it has a pleasantly neutral smell) I don't think it really helped my eczema. My skin still felt dry after. But maybe a different formula could work.

In Taiwan I was able to order Cetaphil soap online which was okay for me. Everyone's eczema experience is different though so it's always worth trying things.

Taiwan's treatment options for eczema were a little frustrating. Luckily I didn't have it too bad there. But sometimes I would have flare-ups and the doctors would put me on a short course of prednisone, which I really hated doing. I think it gave me mood swings.

The one thing that just straight up worked for me was Dupxient. I was lucky enough to have a plan in the US that covered it. Otherwise it's completely unaffordable. In Taiwan I think you have to be approved for NHI to cover it (didn't try).

Other eczema comment is I think shower water has a lot to do with it. Generally, harder water meant worse eczema for me. It's always been extremely location dependent for me and I think this is the main reason why.

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yes water is def a factor! + I also have to do steroid creams every now and then sadly. there’s no magic fix, but a gentle soap goes a long way.

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